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Are you at a loss how to review reading strategy activities while distance learning?

Listen, I understand. This is incredibly challenging and is all new territory for EVERYONE.

You. Are. Not. Alone.

I want to tell you about an online streaming service for BOOKS.

Yes, like Netflix. For books.

Not just made-up books like you see so often on many of these streaming services, but actual classic books that your students know and love.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Grace for President. Chrysanthamum. There are some real treasures on this streaming service. 

The best part?

Vooks is offering a FREE FIRST YEAR to school teachers and homeschool educators!

Sign up for the FREE YEAR of Vooks here!

What is Vooks?

Vooks is about creating better screen time.

It is a trustworthy and safe streaming platform (no ads here!).

Parents and teachers want to know what their kids are watching – this is definitely NOT the case with many streaming services out there.

Vooks is simple to use.

You pick out a book to read in the large library.

Then push play!

Vooks plays the words to the book at the bottom of the screen, while reading it aloud.

Vooks is a great way to improve students’ fluency.

I love collaborating with Vooks because they are truly friends to teachers. I cannot say that about many companies.

Now, let me tell you about how to complete reading activities with Vooks during distance learning.

How can I use Vooks to teach reading strategies?

Okay – you’re doing distance learning. It’s tough enough to manage and organize in this all new digital teaching territory – but how on Earth do you practice reading strategies from behind a computer screen?

We no longer can pass out guided reading books.

Students may only have a few books at their home.

How do we complete reading activities while distance learning?

This is where you can utilize Vooks.

Here are two ways I’d recommend sharing Vooks with students:

  1. Screen share Vooks with your students while you are teaching live.
  2. Have classroom parents sign their students up.

Then, via Google Classroom assign a graphic organizer to students to fill out using the Vooks read-aloud.

For example, students can read and listen to A Sick Day for Amos Mcgee on Vooks.

Then, assign students an activity such as filling out a pizza main idea graphic organizer. Or you could assign an activity about making connections with the text.

Students will practice the skill with the book that they just read and heard.

You (and your students) are going to LOVE these distance learning reading activities.

However, be aware that each teacher account is limited to 3 personal devices and up to 30 devices used for classroom and in-school purposes. 

What else does Vooks offer?

Vooks now has free Teacher Resources and lesson plans to go along with many of their books!

Many of the lesson plans are geared toward younger students (like kindergarten and first-grade), but some of the lesson plans would work well for older grades.

These free teacher resources will work well with your distance learning reading activities.

You can check it out here.

Need distance learning reading activities?

distance learning back to school reading

Glitter in Third on TPT has hundreds of distance learning Google Drive distance learning reading activities including:

If you are looking for something specific, feel free to email me at [email protected]. I’d love to give you recommendations and help you find the perfect resource for your needs and students.

Click here to get the FREE reading graphic organizers for Google Drive sent immediately to your inbox!

Need more digital ideas for Google Drive?

You may be interested in my other blog posts, including:

Get a FREE year of Vooks!

Don’t forget to sign up for the FREE YEAR of Vooks here!

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Hey there, I’m Kelly! I I love helping teachers save time with technology and resources so they have more hours in the day to spend with family and friends. Take a look around to find new ideas that you can implement in your classroom today!

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