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The BEST Christmas Read Aloud Books for 3rd Grade

Christmas read aloud book

Looking for the BEST Christmas read aloud books for your 3rd grade classroom? (Well, upper elementary!)

After reading the list, make sure to leave me a note in the comments if I am missing one of your favorites!

The Christmas picture books that I chose are not religious and focused on parts of Christmas like pine trees, the Rockefeller Tree in New York City, Santa’s reindeer, etc.

All the following books are Amazon Affiliate links. However, you can buy any of the books at your local bookstore!

Make sure to fill out the info below to get a Christmas multiplication pixel art freebie sent immediately to your inbox!

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Christmas Read-Aloud Books

 Christmas read aloud book

Dasher by Matt Tavares

This is absolutely one of my FAVORITE Christmas stories!

And if you’re anything like me…. this one is definitely gonna make you cry (out of sweetness, not sadness!).

Dasher is a reindeer at Finnegan’s Traveling Circus with her family.

She always dreams about what life is like outside the circus.

One day she gets the chance to escape… and meets someone unexpected (spoiler alert… it’s Santa).

You can probably guess where this story is going 🙂

Anyway, it’s incredibly sweet. Uplifting. Encouraging. Incredibly beautiful story.

Grab it HERE.

Christmas read aloud book

Maple & Willow’s Christmas Tree by Lori Nichols

This book is super cute, and a unique (but realistic!) Christmas story.

Maple and WIllow get a beautiful pine tree to decorate for Christmas.

But… one of them is highly allergic to it.

Now what??

As someone who is married to a man with terrible allergies, I totally GET this story and that moment when you realize you have to part with something you love to keep the other person healthy!

Luckily, the girls are imaginative and creative and figure out how to still have a Christmas “tree” inside the home 🙂

Click HERE to check it out!

Christmas read aloud book

Pick A Pine Tree by Patricia Toht

Pick A Pine Tree is one of my favorite Christmas read alouds.

I love this story, and it is a holiday favorite in my own house.

It makes an appearance on our holiday bookshelf every single year.

The rhymes are perfect, and the illustrations are beautiful.

It is the jingly, enthusiastic journey of finding a pine tree at a Christmas tree stand, taking it home, decorating it, and finally turning it into a CHRISTMAS tree!

Your kiddos will love the descriptions of decorating the tree, and seeing various ornaments and tree toppers that remind them of their own.

Click HERE to check this one out!

Christmas read aloud book

Red & Lulu by Matt Tavares

Okay, I just realized that there are a lot of Matt Tavares books on this list!

Clearly he rocks at Christmas books!

Red & Lulu is about two birds who live in a MASSIVE tree in a neighborhood.

One day, a tractor-trailer comes for the tree.

They follow the tractor-trailer to New York City, where they discover the pine tree’s new home in Rockefeller Center 🙂

Beautiful pictures and a warm story.

You’ll definitely be a fan, and so will your students.

Click HERE to check it out.

The Gingerbread Pirates by Kristin Kladstrup

The Gingerbread Pirates is a silly story that your students will LOVE!

This story focuses on some pirate gingerbread men, including toothpick-legged Captain Cookie.

Captain Cookie goes to rescue his crew (aka his fellow gingerbread cookies) from the cannibel Santa Claus.

I’ll admit, this is my first book about pirates and Christmas.

But it works!

And your students will enjoy the cookies’ adventures.

Click HERE to check it out.

Christmas reading passage comprehension worksheet

Need Christmas reading worksheets?

You and your students will LOVE these Christmas reading comprehension color-by-numbers!

How does a reading comprehension color by number work?

First, students read the Christmas-themed passage.

Next, students answer 4 comprehension questions (I’m a firm believer that a reading comprehension worksheet should absolutely not take a whole class period to complete).

Then, students use their answer choices to color a (Christmas-y!) picture.


Students LOVE these (and will ask for more reading comprehension…. seriously).

Click HERE to check these out!

Christmas Multiplication Pixel Art

Did you get your Christmas FREEBIE yet?

Make sure to fill out the info below to get this multiplication pixel art freebie sent immediately to your inbox!

You can learn more about this Christmas pixel art HERE.

Let me know in the comments down below if you grabbed this holiday freebie 🙂


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