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How to use pixel art in math

pixel art math

I am going to show you how to use pixel art in math!

This blog post is perfect for you if you’re unfamiliar with pixel art, or just not quite sure how to implement these fun activities during the day.

Looking for a way to make math more engaging?

Pixel art is absolutely a great answer for your classroom!

Pixel art started gaining steam during virtual teaching and distance learning.

Since then, teachers have grown to LOVE it (and so have their students!).

If you’re unfamiliar with it, I can’t wait to explain to you why you NEED to add this to your classroom math block 🙂

Keep reading to learn all about using pixel art during math!

Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom to grab a FREE reading comprehension pixel art!

pixel art math place value

What is pixel art?

Now the first thing that you may be thinking… what on EARTH is a digital mystery picture?

I often describe pixel art as a digital color by number.

How do they work?

First, students complete math questions.

As a student correctly answers questions, a mystery picture appears!

If the questions are answered incorrectly, the picture doesn’t show up.

That means these are self-checking (and easy to grade on your part 🙂 )

SO NEAT, right?!

pixel art math telling time

What do my students need to do pixel art?

The most important thing to know: they are a Google Sheets resource that you can use with Google ClassroomMicrosoft TeamsEdmodo, etc.

So in order for your students to complete, they will need access to an educational platform like the ones listed above 🙂

Most likely your school has one of these platforms. That means that pixel art can work great for you!

pixel art math multiplication

When can my students do pixel art in math?

I think the best time for students to complete math pixel art is during math centers.

Do you have a technology station during guided math?

This is definitely the easiest time to plug in pixel art!

You can use any kind of math pixel art – remember that daily spiral review is absolutely key in keeping those math concepts fresh in a student’s mind all year long.

Where can I get pixel art?

There’s tons of pixel art available at Glitter in Third on TPT!

I have a big 3rd-grade math bundle full of pixel art covering all the standards (telling time, rounding, place value, multiplication…. you name it, it’s there!).

Literally over 100 math digital mystery pixels! AH!

You can check it out HERE!

digital reading comprehension passage

Are there other subjects to do pixel art with?


Pixel art can be used in more than just your math block.

You can use pixel art as an exciting swap with your regular, ol’ paper reading comprehension passages.

Reading Comprehension Digital Mystery Pictures will change the way that you assign reading passages and comprehension questions to students.

I have a blog post about how to use pixel art during your reading block as well!

Click HERE to read the post!

pixel art reading passage

Want a FREE reading pixel art?

Leave your name and email below to get this reading comprehension pixel art sent immediately to your inbox!


Hey there, I’m Kelly! I I love helping teachers save time with technology and resources so they have more hours in the day to spend with family and friends. Take a look around to find new ideas that you can implement in your classroom today!

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