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Fall reading comprehension worksheets for 2nd grade

You won’t beLEAF how fun and engaging that your kids will find these fall reading comprehension worksheets for 2nd grade!

Reading comprehension…. that is fun?

I know it sounds too good to be true, but I promise that your students will LOVE these!

Keep reading to learn all about these festive and seasonal passages!


fall reading comprehension worksheets for 2nd grade

What makes these fall color by numbers so fun?

Fun & engaging

YEP – these color by number passages are FUN!

How do they work?

Students read a passage.

Then, students answer reading comprehension questions.

Their multiple choice answer tells them what color to color part of the picture.

How fun is that?

At the end, students have a beautiful completed picture!

Coloring allows for a bit of fun and relaxation after working those little brains!

Short passages

These passages are short and concise.


Because it used to drive me up a wall when I handed out reading passages for students to complete, and after an hour they still hadn’t finished the passage.

I use reading passages to assess student reading comprehension- but teachers can’t do that if students can’t even get to the questions because after an hour long reading block they are still reading the passages!

I designed these so that they are do-able for students and allow students to be able to read them in a small amount of time.

Easy to grade & no prep!

First of all, these fall worksheets are no prep!

Now, sometimes on TPT you read “no prep,” and suddenly it’s been two hours, you’re covered in glue, and you’re not sure how that happened.

Okay, maybe that’s just me.

But these are ACTUALLY no prep.

Which means you print them. Pass them out. And you’re done.


On top of that, they are super simple to grade.

Simply look at the picture!

fall reading comprehension worksheets for 2nd grade

What is included in this color by number set?

These fall reading comprehension worksheets for 2nd grade come with a total of 5 passages, and 4 questions per passage.

There’s also an answer key!

You receive the following fall themed passages in the set:

  • Autumn (nonfiction)
  • An Autumn Walk (fiction)
  • Acorn to Tree (nonfiction)
  • Apple Picking (fiction)
  • How to Make A Scarecrow (nonfiction)

fall reading comprehension worksheets for 2nd grade

Where can I get these fall reading comprehension worksheets for 2nd grade?

You can get them at Glitter in Third on TPT!

Grab them HERE!

Looking for more reading comprehension worksheets?

I have reading comprehension worksheets for lots of grade levels!

They come in large bundles assessing various reading strategies (like sequencing, cause & effect, & theme).

Need more FALL ideas?

Need more FALL in your classroom?

BeLEAF me, I get it!

I have a great blog post on the BEST fall picture books to read aloud in your classroom that I know you will love.

Click HERE to read 🙂

Want a reading comprehension freebie?

Are you new to color-by-numbers?

Make sure to download my Reading Passage & Question Color-By-Number FREEBIE!

It’s super fun for students (and doesn’t take an entire class period to complete, like some reading comprehension passages!)

It’s no-prep, fun, and super easy to grade (just peek at the picture!)

Sign up below to get this color-by-number freebie sent directly to your inbox!


Hey there, I’m Kelly! I I love helping teachers save time with technology and resources so they have more hours in the day to spend with family and friends. Take a look around to find new ideas that you can implement in your classroom today!

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