Ocean Floor Activities & Reading Passages for Google Classroom
Ocean Floor Features Passages & Activities Includes the Following Google Slides:
- Continental margin
- Editable reading passages
- Drag-&-drop: finish the paragraph about continental margins
- Drag-&-drop: match the definition to the vocabulary word (continental shelf, continental slope, continental rise)
- Drag-&-drop: label the parts of the continental margin and. abyssal plain
- Drag-&-drop: label the parts of the continental margin and oceanic crust & continental crust
Seabed structure
- Drag-&-drop: match the definition to the vocabulary word (abyssal plain, ocean trenches)
- Web search: use a given website to write what each seabed structure is (nine listed total)
- Image Search: use Google Image Search to find real-life photos of seabed structures
- Drag-&-drop: 2 Google Slides labeling the ocean floor features on a diagram
Why Teachers Love these Ocean Floor Features Activities:
- No Prep: Ready-to-assign on Google Classroom™, Canvas, or Schoology
- Engaging & Interactive: Includes Drag-and-Drop Tasks, Visual Prompts, and Short-Answer Questions
- Flexible Use: Perfect for Independent Practice, Science Centers, or Early Finishers
- Real-World Connections: Encourages Students to Analyze How Ocean Floor Features Influence Ocean Currents and Marine Life
Ideal For:
- Introducing Key Concepts: Simplifies Teaching about Ocean Floor Geology
- Independent Work: Students Complete Interactive Activities at Their Own Pace
- Science Centers: Digital, Hands-On Tasks Make Learning about the Ocean Environment Exciting
- Early Finishers: Keeps Learners Engaged with Meaningful, Self-Checking Tasks
- Sub Plans: Stress-Free, Ready-to-Go Activities for Substitute Days
- Assessment Prep: Reinforces Key Concepts for Quizzes and Tests
Standards Covered:
- SOL 4.7: The student will investigate and understand that the ocean environment has characteristics. Key characteristics include a) geology of the ocean floor
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