3rd Grade Fractions on a Number Line
Need 3rd-grade fractions on a number line activities?
Fractions are one of those concepts, that students either just GET (I could see the light bulbs going off) or they were totally lost.
It is such an abstract concept that can be difficult for students to understand.
But it doesn’t always have to be!
Hands-on activities and math manipulatives are the only way to go when either introducing fractions for the first time or reviewing to keep their skills sharpened.
This can even still be accomplished if you are teaching virtually!
Before You Begin 3rd Grade Fractions on a Number Line
While it can be tempting to dive right into all the “fun things”, I like to start by reviewing key foundational terms and skills.
I want to ensure students are able to fluently recall multiplication and division facts for this activity.
We can’t forget the importance of these beginning, yet equally important skills.
Once you’ve covered this, you’re ready to go!
3rd Grade fractions on a number line activities
Fractions on a Number Line Mystery Pixels
Keep your kiddos engaged and having fun, while still teaching such an important concept as fractions.
I love using Mystery Pixel Pictures as a digital, but still, a hands-on approach for students to practice fractions on a number line.
How do Mystery Pixels for 3rd Grade Fractions on a Number Line Work?
Let me give you all the details!
So in a nutshell, Mystery Pixels are no prep, self-grading activities that can be used with Google Drive and assigned on Google Classroom.
They are perfect for digital learning or even independent work!
While self-grading means less work for you, it also acts as a way for students to monitor their own progress and take ownership of their assignments.
As students correctly solve fraction problems, a mystery picture appears!
Small Math Groups for 3rd grade fractions on a number line
I know that many of us are familiar with small reading groups, but what about math groups?
I often incorporated small math groups during the independent time after our lesson.
This is such a great way to work one-on-one with several students at once and make sure everyone has mastered a concept and that no one falls through the cracks.
I love using digital activities like Pixel Art, as a way to monitor’s my students’ progress and guide them if I see they are needing extra support or intervention in a certain area.
If you haven’t given guided math groups a chance, I highly suggest it.
They are truly a game-changer when it comes to math instruction.
Incorporate Manipulatives
Sentence strips are a cheap, efficient way to present students with fractions on a number line!
Divide and label the sentence strip as a visual method for students.
Or leave it blank as a hands-on activity for them to complete independently.
If your classroom is anything like mine, you have a bucket (or maybe 100) of unfix cubes lying around.
Put those to use and create, you guessed it, a fraction number line.
When you get students’ hands actively engaged they are so much more likely to learn.
Ensure that they are PART of their learning experience.
But Always Remember This….
Teacher friend, please remember this.
Always. I love providing you with ways and tips to transform your classroom with enriching activities.
However, remember to always use them in a way that suits your classroom and the unique learners in it.
Try something and if it does not work, move on to the best practice and method for your little learners.
Never be afraid to experiment with your favorite resources and utilize them how they work for your specific needs.
Happy Teaching! Good luck with teaching 3rd grade fractions on a number line… you’re gonna rock it!
Free Equivalent fraction color-by-number
There are so many ways to use these FREE equivalent fractions color-by-numbers that will help your students learn and understand equivalent fractions.
All you need to do is print, make copies, and store!
They will easily keep kids occupied – and best of all – calm while they work!
I like to use them as independent work during math, but they make fabulous morning work, quiet time activities, math centers, and sub work. (Psst- do you know what Quiet Time is?! This was life-changing to me in the classroom – check it out here!).
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