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Time for the room reveal! This year I entirely changed my classroom. It has been jungle-themed in the past…. jungle-theme no longer! My team changed a lot this year, so I figure new team, new year! I stuck with a green & blue color scheme, and added in accents of black/chalkboard.


  1. Birthday signs: I made these cute bday cupcakes (I think originally bought the clip art from Graphics by the Pond). I also have candles that I will write the child’s name on, then stick it in the correct month.
  2. Job chart: I also sell this on TPT. The job titles are laminated, so I rotate the job roles with a whiteboard marker every week. I simply write down the student’s number to keep it easy!

I have three bulletin boards in my room.

  1. Hopes & dreams 
    For this, I used fadeless black paper and blue/green stripes border from Mardel. I created the words on my computer and printed/laminated. We create Hopes & Dreams the first week of school, which will be displayed on this board. Students think about what they hope to learn or accomplish in the school year. I display them all year long so that they can remember their hope and dream. 
  2. Our VIP
  3. For this, I used fadeless black paper and blue/green stripes border from Mardel. I created the words on my computer and printed/laminated. We have a VIP in our classroom every week. The student that is randomly chosen brings in a poster and five objects to share. Afterward, they get to answer six questions. We do this for morning meeting during the Share portion on Mondays.
    3. CARES
  4. For this, I used fadeless black paper, zebra borders, and turquoise borders. All were from Lakeshore Learning. I made the signs. This board is about CARES from Responsive Classroom. If you have not taken the course or read the book, I highly recommend it! Basically CARES falls under the blanket term respect. Respect is such a confusing word for kids…. what does it truly mean? Show respect through CARES… cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy, and self-control. This board is great because throughout the year we can keep coming back and reference it. If kids are having trouble in the cafeteria remembering to sweep/wash, I can ask which CARES we are not showing (in that case, responsibility). I love how bright the white shapes pop!


My gifted kids LOVE to read. So much that they prefer reading over listening to one of my lessons! I keep my book bins across the wall. As much as I adore kids wanting to read, unfortunately it is too much of a distraction right next to their desks. I used these chalkboard mason jar stickers to label the boxes, and the book bins are from Steps to Literacy.
You can see I even changed my stacking drawers that every teacher always owns! My teacher across the hall from me does her room in reds and oranges, and so she was happy to switch out some of the colors that didn’t match her room. Woohoo!




I buy bins from the Dollar Tree. I also use Ladybug Teacher File’s library labels. I usually only make my own stuff, but these are so colorful and beautiful, they are a must-have. Here’s the link!

I had a high podium before, but it drove me crazy. It was so tall, my kids had a tough time seeing over it. It also was rather unsightly. I played electrician and moved it into a low desk. Inside the desk is a scary nightmare… but it works! I don’t like all the cords, so I did zebra duct-tape overload to help it look a little better. I stuck my DVD player/VCR in my armoire, because we really don’t use it. I show videos on my projector purely using my laptop, so it was a rather unnecessary piece.






Here is where I display my calendar, agenda, and daily schedule. If you like the calendar dates or schedule cards, click here and here!

Hope you liked the reveal! What theme/colors are your classroom this year?

One Response

  1. I'm doing my class is red, turquoise, and black! I love color themes! 🙂 The CARES thing is awesome, and I wish we did responsive classroom things in our school!

Hey there, I’m Kelly! I I love helping teachers save time with technology and resources so they have more hours in the day to spend with family and friends. Take a look around to find new ideas that you can implement in your classroom today!

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