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Happy Friday!!!! 

We just came back from a field trip this afternoon to the Natural History Museum. We had SUCH a great time, I love watching the kiddos get excited about science. Field trips are a fun break from the school day, definitely a breath of fresh air! Our bus driver was hilarious (although at one point he told the kids something about how his “wife thinks he’s sexy”….? Other than that, he was quite charming and the students adored him). Our school district sent us a warning last night about a possible snow day! I am very happy that it didn’t end up happening, rescheduling the field trip would have been very irritating and a hassle. 

We made these probability crafts the other day using “gumball machines.” I just put the craft up on TPT. I love them! We make fraction pizzas and fraction ice cream sundaes, so probability gumball machines just had to be the next step! I love how the brightly colored gumballs turned out, these will look adorbs hanging up on our corkboard at school 🙂

I went on a shopping spree last night at Nordstrom. My self-control clearly is not the best. My gym is reopening soon after a water break issue, and so I decided that I MUST be dressed to impressed when they reopen. I am so sad not getting to go to yoga, pump, pilates, and zumba weekly (my softening body may be even more sad). So at least I will be looking sporty and cute when they reopen and I am in pain from working out again.
Did you read about the California wine arsenic scare? As a Trader Joe’s Charles Shaw connoisseur, this totally freaked me out last night… I have about five bottles in my fridge right now (I admit it). My boyfriend says the whole lawsuit is basically a scam, so I slightly feel better about my thirst for $3.39 white wine. 

I have so many chores to do this weekend! Mainly piles upon piles of clothing that need to be sorted, washed, and folded. My apartment feels so cluttery lately, looks like I need to put myself to work and deal with it. Spring cleaning, anyone??

2 Responses

  1. Woot! I found a fellow 3rd grade teacher and Lily Lover through the linky party!

    Love the probability craftivity. We ended our probability and statistics unit a few weeks ago and I wish I had it then. There's always next year!

    Good luck with the spring cleaning!
    : ) Renee
    The Third Grade Learning Spot

  2. Hi Kelly! I just found your blog on the Five For Friday link-up! I love your blog design, and your ideas! I'm your newest follower, too!

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