Solar System and Planets Activities & Reading Passages for Google Classroom
Solar System & Planets Passages & Activities Includes the Following Google Slides:
- Editable reading passages
- Short answer: Solar system KWL
- Drag-&-drop: identify the components of our solar system
Inner & outer planets
- Drag-&-drop: read the description and identify if it is a characteristic of an inner or outer planet
- Drag-&-drop: identify if the planet is a gas planet or a terrestrial planet
- Drag-&-drop: sort the planets as either inner or outer planets
Planet order
- Drag-&-drop: order the planets from closest to the sun to farthest
- Short answer: identify each planet on the real-life model
- Drag-&-drop: order planets according to their size
Planet research
- Drag-&-drop: figure out which planet each description refers to
- Independent research: Mercury focus
- Independent research: Venus focus
- Independent research: Earth focus
- Independent research: Mars focus
- Independent research: Jupiter focus
- Independent research: Saturn focus
- Independent research: Neptune focus
- Independent research: Uranus focus
- Drag-&-drop: all about dwarf planets
Why Teachers Love these Solar System & Planets Activities:
- No Prep: Ready-to-assign on Google Classroom™, Canvas, or Schoology
- Engaging and Interactive: Includes drag-and-drop tasks, visual prompts, and short-answer questions
- Flexible Use: Perfect for independent practice, science centers, or early finishers
- Real-World Connections: Helps students understand how planets move and compare in size
Ideal For:
- Introducing Key Concepts: Simplifies teaching about planetary motion and characteristics
- Independent Work: Students complete interactive activities at their own pace
- Science Centers: Digital, hands-on tasks make learning exciting
- Early Finishers: Keeps learners engaged with meaningful, self-checking tasks
- Sub Plans: Stress-free, ready-to-go activities for substitute days
- Assessment Prep: Reinforces key concepts for quizzes and tests
Standards Covered:
- SOL 4.5: The student will investigate and understand that the planets have characteristics and a specific place in the solar system. Key ideas include a) planets rotate on their axes and revolve around the sun; b) planets have characteristics and a specific order in the solar system; and c) the sizes of the sun and planets can be compared to one another.
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