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My Favorite STORY ELEMENTS Graphic Organizersstory elements graphic organizers

Do you need story elements graphic organizers to use in your elementary reading block?

Graphic organizers are an excellent resource to help visualize ideas, and they work fabulously while practicing parts of a story (including setting, characters, problem, and solution!).

I have a variety of paper and digital graphic organizers that you can easily fit into your reading block while utilizing any type of text that fits your schedule best.

Read-alouds, science passages, social studies primary source documents, literature circle books, small group reading books – literally ANYTHING works!

And don’t forget to scroll to the bottom to get your FREE color by number reading comprehension 🙂

Keep reading to learn all about these story elements resources and how to use them!

story elements graphic organizersPaper Story Elements Graphic Organizers

I have a set of story elements graphic organizers available in my Story Elements Interactive Notebook!

What I LOVE about interactive notebooks is that they serve as a fabulous reference point for students – students can always flip back in their notebooks to remind themselves what a particular strategy is.

Interactive notebooks are fun and hands-on!

I have a great graphic organizer available that you and your students can use again and again with any text.

It is a simple puzzle-piece organizer, but it gets the job done 🙂

Check out Story Elements Interactive Notebook HERE.

story elements graphic organizers

Digital Story Elements Graphic Organizers

I have a set of digital graphic organizers that are used with Google Classroom that are PERFECT for a technology center.

You can use these again and again, so you can assign via Google Classroom for students to either use with their independent reading book to fill out, or use a read-aloud and have them fill out.

You could also use these graphic organizers with a literature circle book!

Story Elements for Google Classroom comes with not only graphic organizers, but also interactive activities for students to practice this reading strategy.

Check out Story Elements for Google Classroom HERE.

story elements graphic organizers

How do I use these graphic organizers?

What I love about graphic organizers if that you can use them again and again.

Students can continuously practice their story elements skills by using graphic organizers with various types of text.

The best part?

You can incorporate literally ANY type of text that you use during the day while practicing story elements!

Students can use these with:

  • Independent reading books
  • literature circle books
  • Passages
  • Read aloud books

Simply pick the type of text that works best in your day, and integrate it into a graphic organizer format!

story elements graphic organizers

Need more reading strategies resources?

I have a blog post on how to utilize reading strategies in the classroom before, during, and after reading – check it out HERE.

Want a reading comprehension freebie?

Are you new to color-by-numbers?

Make sure to download my Reading Passage & Question Color-By-Number FREEBIE!

It’s super fun for students (and doesn’t take an entire class period to complete, like some reading comprehension passages!)

It’s no-prep, fun, and super easy to grade (just peek at the picture!)

Sign up below to get this color-by-number freebie sent directly to your inbox!

Hey there, I’m Kelly! I I love helping teachers save time with technology and resources so they have more hours in the day to spend with family and friends. Take a look around to find new ideas that you can implement in your classroom today!

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