Easter Reading Comprehension Worksheets Your Students Will LOVE!
Looking for Easter reading comprehension worksheets that your students will LOVE?!
I have a set that your students will LOVE!
Wait… “love” reading passages?
Yes! Because these reading passages are color by numbers 🙂
I mean… doesn’t coloring make anything more fun???
I cannot wait to tell you all about these Easter reading comprehension color by numbers!
Keep reading to learn all about Easter Reading Comprehension Worksheets that is perfect for your classroom!
How do students use these Easter reading comprehension worksheets?
So you might be wondering… how do students use these Easter reading comprehension color by numbers?
First, kids first read the passage.
Next, students answer comprehension questions.
Each comprehension question answer choice dictates a color next to it (like green, red, blue, etc.).
Finally, students will color the coded picture based on the answer that they choose.
All the pictures are Easter themed – like an Easter basket and eggs!
How Easter-y is this Easter reading?
Just as a heads-up because I want you to get EXACTLY what you are looking for, these reading comprehension worksheets are Easter themed but are NOT religious.
If you are looking for something explaining what Easter is, then this set is probably not for you.
It features general Easter themes like decorating eggs, Easter bunnies, etc.
What do I receive in the Easter reading comprehension worksheets set?
In this Easter reading comprehension set, you receive 5 passages with questions. Each passage has 4 questions.
There is also an answer key.
Here are the titles of each passage:
- All About Rabbits (nonfiction)
- Easter Morning (fiction)
- How to Dye Easter Eggs (nonfiction)
- The Easter Basket Dilemma (fiction)
Where can I get these Easter reading color by numbers?
You can get this Easter reading comprehension at Glitter in Third on TPT.
Click HERE to snag!
Need more SPRING resources?
I have other SPRING reading comprehension that you may like!
This Spring reading set, unlike the Easter reading set, is not Easter themed (no eggs, Easter bunnies, etc.).
Instead, it features general spring themes like flowers, growing plants, new animals, etc.
Click the links below to check out each reading comprehension set:
Looking for more reading comprehension worksheets?
I have reading comprehension worksheets for lots of grade levels!
They come in large bundles assessing various reading strategies (like sequencing, cause & effect, & theme).
Want a SPRING Digital FREEBIE?!
I have a multiplication FREEBIE for you!
Make sure to download my Spring Pixel Art FREEBIE!
This is the perfect way to practice multiplication facts… especially during the spring 🙂
I also have pixel art in a reading comprehension format (you can read all about it HERE!).
Sign up below to get this color-by-number freebie sent directly to your inbox!