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5 Simple Tips to Teach Fractions

teach fractions

Teachers, I have 5 simple tips to teach FRACTIONS!

These tips can be applied throughout your fraction unit (because let’s face it – fractions units are LONG! So many concepts!).

I think you’ll find these ideas engaging and helpful during your math block this year 🙂

Keep reading to learn about these tips that will make teaching fractions a breeze!

I have a set of FREE equivalent fractions color-by-numbers that will help your students learn and understand equivalent fractions!

Interested? Leave your information below to get them emailed directly to your inbox!

Tip #1: Use manipulatives to teach fractions!

You know what’s neat about fractions?

You can use basically ANY manipulative with them!

You don’t need to go out and buy new ones – most likely your school or fellow teachers will have all the manipulatives you need!

My number one favorite?


If your school doesn’t have these, I highly recommend grabbing a set.

Here are some manipulatives that work great with fractions – and I bet that either you or a coworker has some of these lying around!

  • Dominoes
  • Fraction bars
  • Fraction circles
  • Fraction rods
  • Number lines
  • Unifix cubes

teach fractions

Tip #2: Use picture books!

Picture books….. in math?!

It sounds bizarre, but making those real-life connections with fractions is so important.

I love using picture books in math to introduce a topic, or during math centers to reinforce real-life math applications.

Read the Fraction Picture Book post HERE!

Tip #3: Teach fractions with lots of different ways to learn

Use an interactive notebook. Try out a digital product. Find some fraction games.

By using lots of different materials and resources to teach fractions, one of the ways may really click for a student.

Some students may love independently doing a digital and interactive lesson, while others may love cutting out and gluing down parts of a fraction.

I have a few different fraction resources you can check out if you’re interested!

Click the links below to check them out:

Tip #4: Bring in the food to teach fractions!

Pizza. Cookies. Hershey bars. Cheerios.

I will ALWAYS equate fractions with food – for some reason, things really “click” as soon as food is involved.

Comparing 1/3 and 1/4 is a lot easier when you have a pizza in front of you (heck YES I want 1/4 of the pizza!).

Real-life connections at their tastiest!

Food makes a terrific and engaging lesson opener that you can do whole-group with students.

The lesson will be memorable for students (and tasty!).

teach fractions

Tip #5: Bring in coloring!

An easy way to bring some fun into fractions?

Add some COLORING into your math block!

I have a Fractions Color By Number set that will make fraction review SO STINKING FUN!

As students answer a variety of fraction questions, students will color the black-and-white picture depending on their answer choices!

The bundle includes:

  1. Adding and subtracting fractions
  2. Comparing fractions
  3. Equivalent fractions
  4. Equivalent fractions on a number line
  5. Fractions on a number line
  6. Introduction to fractions
  7. Mixed numbers and improper fractions
  8. Partitioning shapes into equal parts

Yep – a whole lot of fraction fun!

Click HERE to check out this big bundle of fraction color by numbers 🙂

I have a Fraction FREEBIE for you!

Hands-On Fraction Activities

I have a set of FREE equivalent fractions color-by-numbers that will help your students learn and understand equivalent fractions!

All you need to do is print, make copies, and pass out!

They will easily keep kids occupied – and best of all – calm while they work!

Interested? Leave your information below to get them emailed directly to your inbox!

Hey there, I’m Kelly! I I love helping teachers save time with technology and resources so they have more hours in the day to spend with family and friends. Take a look around to find new ideas that you can implement in your classroom today!

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