3rd Grade Math Worksheets Your Students Will LOVE!
On the search for 3rd grade math worksheets?
I have an enormous set filled with math worksheets that will actually engage your students (no, seriously!).
The best part?
They are all color by numbers!
Color by numbers are a fantastic way to get students engaged and motivated to complete concrete math practice (because who doesn’t love coloring?!).
Keep reading to learn all about these color by number 3rd grade math worksheets!
Don’t forget to leave your name and email below to get a FREE reading comprehension color by number sent to your inbox! 🙂
What math topics are included?
This color by number worksheet set comes with 18 topics total – and a total of 109 worksheets!
The topics range from fractions to number sense to measurement.
These are perfect to use as daily spiral review for your kiddos to keep all those math concepts sharp in their cute little brains 🙂
You receive the following topics in this bundle:
- Adding and subtracting fractions
- Comparing fractions
- Equivalent fractions
- Equivalent fractions on a number line
- Fractions on a number line
- Introduction to fractions
- Mixed numbers and improper fractions
- Partitioning shapes into equal parts
- Telling time to the nearest half-hour and hour
- Telling time to the nearest five minutes
- Telling time to the nearest minute
- Area and perimeter
- Rounding
- Place Value
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
How do my students use these 3rd grade math worksheets?
These are just like any typical color by number worksheet!
Which is great because it means that you don’t have to spend much time explaining the directions 🙂
First, students will answer the math problems on the multiple-choice worksheet.
Next, students use their answer choices to color in the picture on the worksheet.
These 3rd grade math worksheets is the perfect way to add a bit of fun to concrete math practice!
These are also super easy to grade… just look at the picture!
You can also color a picture and have kids use it as a self-check answer key!
When should I use these color by numbers?
Here are some ideas on how to integrate these 3rd grade worksheets into your day!
- Math centers (make a color by number station… your kids will always know what is expected of them throughout the year!)
- Morning work
- Small group
- Sub work
Where can I get these?
You can get these at Glitter in Third on TPT!
Click HERE to snag them!
Need more 3rd grade math resources?
I have tons of 3rd-grade resources at Glitter in Third on TPT!
Here are some of my favorite year-long bundles (both paper and digital!).
- 3rd Grade Math interactive notebooks
- 3rd Grade Math for Google Classroom
- 3rd Grade Math Digital Pixel Art
Grab a FREE reading comprehension color by number!
I have a reading comprehension FREEBIE for you!
(You can learn more about how this 3rd grade reading comprehension works HERE!).
Leave your name and email below to get it sent immediately to your inbox 🙂