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Hands-On Fraction Activities

Looking for hands-on fraction activities?

Teaching fractions is challenging; that is why it’s important to incorporate fun and engaging fraction activities.

By using a variety of hands-on activities, your students will not only have fun but also get the most out of your lessons.

Try these ideas out with your class when teaching about fractions.


Sorting Fractions

Grab a large poster paper and split it down the middle.

Next, create at least two columns to sort fractions.

For example, you can write halves and fourths in the columns.

Then, give every student two sticky notes.

Have them turn that sticky note into a fraction.

If one column says halves, students will draw a line down their sticky note to split it into two equal parts.

If the other column says fourths, students will divide the sticky note into four equal pieces by drawing lines.

Finally, have your students put their sticky note under the correct column.

Sorting fractions using sticky notes is perfect for a whole class or small group activity.


Interactive Fraction Notebook

Engage your whole class with this intro to fractions interactive notebook.

The fraction interactive notebook includes several flip-flap books for students to observe a fraction, identify equal parts, how shaded parts, and what each fraction shows.

Furthermore, students will sort and label fractions too!

Using this fraction interactive notebook for teaching fractions works well with the entire class or small group instruction.

Also, this pairs well with the poster fraction sorting activity above too!

Check out this interactive fraction notebook here!


Pool Noodle Stacking Fractions

Try this hands-on fractions activity using pool noodles is a must for your intro to fractions unit (Amazon Affiliate link).

Grab some pool noodles and cut them in half.

Next, use the pool noodles to create different fractions such as ½, ⅓, ¼, etc.

Just make sure to cut the pool noodles as accurately to scale as possible.

Finally, set this up as a math center activity for students to compare the sizes of different fractions and create fraction towers.

For accountability, you can make students draw their pool noodle towers to show what they know!


Digital Fraction Activities

Go paperless with these fraction activities and easily use this with your Google Classroom.

Students will complete drag and drop fraction activities to label the numerator, denominator, label different types of fractions, and more.

In addition, to drag and drop fraction task cards, students will also type short answers for naming parts, listing the number of equal parts, parts shaded, and fractions in a fraction bar.

Learn more about these digital activities to use when teaching fractions here.

Intro to Fractions Digital Mystery Picture

My last digital resource I have for you is always my favorite to share and a student favorite, too!

The resource comes with a total of 4 digital mystery pixels.

As students answer questions correctly, a mystery picture appears!

Every pixel comes with its own answer key.

No prep or grading required by you! ?

Check out a preview of how the pixels work here.

Snap Cube Fractions Activity

Snap cubes are a great way to practice fractions too!

You can use this for small groups, whole classwork, and even an independent math center as well!

First of all, give every student two different colors of snap cubes.

Next, have students combine different amounts of colored snap cubes.

When using snap cubes to introduce fractions, give your students a specific fraction to show using the snap cubes and writing it on a personal whiteboard.

For example, if a student has 5 red and 5 green snap cubes, they can create a variety of fractions.

They can use 2 red and 1 green snap cube to create ⅔ and ⅓ fractions.

Snap cubes are an excellent way to show what they know about a particular fraction.

They can also make a great exit ticket or a quick assessment!


Free Equivalent fraction color-by-number

Hands-On Fraction Activities

There are so many ways to use these FREE equivalent fractions color-by-numbers that will help your students learn and understand equivalent fractions.

All you need to do is print, make copies, and store!

They will easily keep kids occupied – and best of all – calm while they work!

I like to use them as independent work during math, but they make fabulous morning work, quiet time activities, math centers, and sub work. (Psst- do you know what Quiet Time is?! This was life-changing to me in the classroom – check it out here!).

Interested? Leave your information below to get them emailed directly to your inbox!


What are some of your favorite fraction activities you would add to this list for introducing fractions to your class? Comment below!

Hey there, I’m Kelly! I I love helping teachers save time with technology and resources so they have more hours in the day to spend with family and friends. Take a look around to find new ideas that you can implement in your classroom today!

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