3rd-Grade Geometry Activities ROUND-UP
Looking for 3rd-grade geometry activities, resources, ideas, and freebies?
I got you!
I love teaching geometry. I love how visual it is, and often hands-on. It’s different than many math units because there’s more vocabulary. However, as long as students grasp the vocabulary, it’s a fairly simple unit.
I put together blog posts, interactive notebooks, and Google Classroom products that will make your 3rd-grade geometry lessons easy-peasy!
Read below to find a treasure trove of ways to make your geometry unit engaging AND easy to prep!
3rd Grade Geometry Blog Posts
- The BEST Geometry Test Prep Activities
- The BEST Geometry Picture Books
- Using Pentonimoes for Geometry
Geometry Digital Resources
- 2nd-Grade Geometry Common Core BUNDLE
- 3rd-Grade Geometry Common Core BUNDLE
- 3rd-Grade Geometry Virginia SOL BUNDLE
Individual Resources
- 2D Shapes for Google Classroom
- 3D Shapes for Google Classroom
- Angles for Google Classroom
- Congruent shapes and figures for Google Classroom
- Lines, rays, and line segments for Google Classroom
- Partitioning Rectangles
- Partitioning Shapes
- Polygons for Google Classroom
- Quadrilaterals for Google Classroom
Geometry Interactive Notebooks
Individual Resources
- Angles interactive notebook
- Congruent shapes and figures interactive notebook
- Lines, rays, and line segments interactive notebook
- Polygons interactive notebook
- Quadrilaterals interactive notebook
Have questions about a particular geometry resource? Feel free to email me at Questions@GlitterinThird.com, I am happy to direct you! Let’s make fractions the BEST math unit ever 🙂