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Fables, folktales, and myths books for 3rd-grade

Are you a 3rd grade teacher look for book and read-aloud ideas for your fables, folktales, and myths unit?At the end of the post, don’t forget to download my Fables, Folktales, and Myths classroom signs!

There are some links to various books within the post. Please note that these are Amazon Affiliate links, so if you decide to purchase a book using them I receive a small commission that goes toward keeping this website running. However, you can always write down the name of the book and find it at your local bookstore!

Need lesson ideas?

Make sure to check out my blog post on how to teach fables, folktales, and myths! I love using these read-alouds as a literacy center that students can read and then sort into the correct category. Check it out here!

Fable book ideas

Folktale book ideas

Myth book ideas

Fable, folktale, and myth signs

Want a set of signs to hang up in your classroom?
I have you covered!
Just click on the button below and I will send these signs to you for free!


Resources featured in post available at Glitter in Third on TPT

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Hey there, I’m Kelly! I I love helping teachers save time with technology and resources so they have more hours in the day to spend with family and friends. Take a look around to find new ideas that you can implement in your classroom today!

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