Multiplication & division picture books
Are you teaching multiplication and division?
Have you used math picture books?
I love using picture books in math to introduce a topic, or during math centers to reinforce real-life math application.
You can read more about how to use math picture books in your elementary classroom HERE, including introduction lessons, math centers, literacy centers, and even writing.
Below, I highlight a few of my FAVORITE multiplication and division picture books.
Then, you will find a complete guide to multiplication and division picture books that you can use in your classroom.
All book links are Amazon Affiliate links (I get a tiny commission if you purchase a book from the link, which goes toward this blog’s site maintenance), but you can find the same books at your local book store!
Now…for My Next Number! by Margaret Park
I LOVE this story.
It comes with a song CD as well.
This book is perfect when you are beginning to discuss times tables.
It is full of songs that are easy to memorize and will help your kids learn their multiplication facts.
This book is a great way to introduce the times tables.
You could even play one song a day before each math lesson.
Before they know it, the times tables songs will be stuck in the kiddos’ heads and their facts memorized!
The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins (division)
I read this book as a child… and loved it.
My students still love it.
Basically, two friends are about to eat a plate of cookies when a couple friends arrive.
Then a few more.
Then a few more.
Each time the doorbell rings, the cookies need to be split up again and again.
The division concept is well done in this story, and this is the perfect book for a division introduction.
Draw out the story on the board as you go along to show how the cookies are split up over and over.
Or if you really want to go all out, copy the story and use real cookies for a lesson that your students will never forget!
Amanda Bean’s Amazing Dream by Cindy Neushwander
This sweet story is about a little girl who loves to count things, but needs a faster way to do so (like the tiles on the walls, books at library, etc).
She suddenly realizes that multiplication is the answer.
I chose this story because it is a way for students to see that multiplication be solved in various ways and concepts, not just memorization.
For example, it discusses both repeated addition and arrays.
This is a great book to introduce these other conceptual ways to visualize multiplication.
More multiplication & division picture book ideas
Multiplication math picture books
- 2×2 = Boo by Loreen Leedy
- 7×9= Trouble! by Claudia Mills
- Count on Pablo by Barbara de Rubertis
- Each Orange Had 8 Slices by Paul Giganti Jr.
- Minnie’s Diner by Dayle Ann Dodds
- Multiplying Menace: The Revenge of Rumpelstiltskin by Pam Calvert
- One Grain of Rice by Demi
- Sea Squares by Joy Hulme
- Stacks of Trouble by Liza Roodruff
- The Best of Times by Greg Tang
- The Grapes of Math by Greg Tang
- The King’s Chessboard by David Birch
- The Rabbit Problem by Emily Gravett
- Two of Everything by Lily Hong
- Two Ways to Count to Ten: A Liberian Folktale by Ruby Dee
Division math picture books
- A Remainder of One by Elinor Pinczes
- Bean Thirteen by Matthew McElligott
- Cheetah Math by Ann Whitehead Nagda
- Divide and Ride by Stuart Murphy
- One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor Pinczes
- The Great Divide by Dayle Ann Dodds
- The Multiplying Menace Divides by Pam Calvert
- Two Greedy Bears by Mirra Ginsburg
- Two Tickets to Ride by Teddy Slater
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