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I wanted to let you know about the BIG sale that is going on at Glitter in Third on TPT this Tuesday & Wednesday, the 27th and 28th. This is a great time to stock up on resources for the rest of the school year. Click here to start shopping!

Enjoy this BIG sale! EVERY ITEM IS 25% OFF! Even already discounted bundles!

Make sure to use the code TICKTOCK to get the full 25% off!

Below are some of my favorite resources that have made a positive impact in my classroom, and that I think you will enjoy as well:

1. Reading for Google ClassroomGoogle Classroom activity for reading and writing for the elementary teacher.
This product has been completely revamped and updated for the year – you will love it. It covers reading strategies (such as inferring, main idea, summarizing, etc.) and reading language skills (like homophones, synonyms, antonyms, syllables, etc.). There is so much in this bad boy. Do it whole group, small group, or individually. It includes both interactive activities and graphic organizers that you can use again and again with any text, book, or lesson.

2. Literature Circle for Google ClassroomLiterature circle & book clubs in the elementary classroom
I love literature circles in my classroom. You know what I don’t love? The amount of paper packets involved. The last-minute runs to the copier when a student is missing theirs drives me crazy. No more copier runs with Literature Circle for Google Classroom! Everything is digital – just add books!

Teach grammar, subject, & predicate with Google Classroom for reading
This is one of my best-selling products- and for a reason! Grammar can be boring to teach, and even more boring for our students to learn. Not to mention it’s difficult to fit grammar into our already jam-packed day. Grammar for Google Classroom makes it easy for students to learn and work on grammar activities, and actually makes grammar FUN since everything is interactive and digital!

4. Morphology notebook for prefixes, suffixes, & rootsTeach root words, prefixes, & suffixes in the elementary classroom with these easy activities
This vocabulary notebook setup/printables will transform your language art block and students’ vocabulary. There is a total of 13 weeks of material in this resource. Once students get into the routine after the first week, they will be able to do all the material on their own without teacher assistance. It makes an easy and efficient station or center during your language arts block.

5. Word study for Google Classroom
Paper packets? No thank you. Save your sanity and cut down on hours of word study prep time with this product. You still differentiate word study groups, but each student is working on various activities digitally. No more “I left my word study packet at home.” 

Make third-grade science Virginia SOLs easy with this big bundle of digital activities for Google Classroom
Are you a Virginia teacher? Are you in a state without a set science curriculum and you aren’t sure what to teach? This bundle will change your life. Get an entire year of paperless science activities that will immensely cut down your prep time while getting your students excited to learn!

Feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions about a certain product. Happy shopping!

Hey there, I’m Kelly! I I love helping teachers save time with technology and resources so they have more hours in the day to spend with family and friends. Take a look around to find new ideas that you can implement in your classroom today!

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