I get a lot of questions from teachers who only want to assign one or two Google Slides at a time to their students on Google Classroom with their digital resource from Glitter in Third.
Many teachers only want to give their students one or two slides at a time in order to not overwhelm/overstimulate students and to decrease loading time.
I offer a wide range of Google Classroom products, including reading, writing, math, social studies, science, and health.
You can watch my YouTube video below, or keep scrolling to see the individual step breakdown!
Read the steps below to learn how to assign individual slides on Google Classroom!
STEP ONE: First, open up your Google Slides assignment on Google Drive. Right click (or control click if you’re on a Mac) on the assignment. You’ll see the following menu pop up. Click “Make a Copy.”
STEP TWO: Open up the new copy. Rename it. I like to name it as the date that the kids are completing it.
STEP THREE: Delete each slide that you do NOT want on the assignment.
STEP FOUR: That’s it! Now assign the assignment to students as you usually would.
Remember to make a copy on Step 1! Otherwise you’ll be deleting your original assignment, which you definitely do not want to do! Hope this helped, teachers! Feel free to email me at glitterinthird@gmail.com with any questions that I may have created 🙂