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Hi, all! I thought it would be fun and hopefully helpful to start writing down some resources that I am using to teach each week.


  • Addition/subtraction: We are starting our addition/subtraction unit this week! Starting with some whole group lessons with our interactive notebooks will help define vocabulary and solidify student understanding. I also have a new math center game that I created to help students understand the addition properties better…. they can be toughies! Some of the items that can be easily integrated into whole group, small group, and centers:

I do rotations for reading. One station this week will be word study related, one will be independent reading, and one will be a reading passage/comprehension. The fourth will be working on the below topics with me. Our focus this week for our mini-lessons will be:

  • Reference books: During small group time, I will work on the printables with the students. I will also grab a bunch of reference books from the library so that students can hands-on see what each of the reference books consist of.
  • Synonyms/antonyms: Whole-group I will put together the foldables with my students and show the BrainPop. During small group time, I will have my students practice looking up words in the thesaurus by having them replace the words in “row, row, row your boat” with new words that they look up!


  • DeBono’s Thinking Hats lesson: The students and I will read “The Man That Walked the Towers.” Then, we will practice analyzing and “putting on our hats” to think about Phillipe’s choice and decision to tightrope across the Twin Towers. I am definitely looking forward to this lesson!

  • Paragraph writing on Columbus: The students will be learning facts about Columbus with a few foldables. Then, we will watch a BrainPop on Columbus. I LOVE the Columbus Day BrainPop because it makes a point at the end: How can you discover somewhere that is already inhabited? The students and I will have a discussion, then they will practice paragraph writing about why or why not Columbus should be celebrated on this day. It definitely will get their minds thinking and view a variety of perspectives. 



  • Class bank account: I am really excited about a lesson I found from the amazing 3rd Grade Thoughts! It is another way at looking at “filling a bucket,” but relates to the classroom as a whole with different terminology. Looks wonderful!
Looks like a busy and fun week! Let me know if you have any fun ideas or good video resources for various lessons that you may be teaching too 🙂

Hey there, I’m Kelly! I I love helping teachers save time with technology and resources so they have more hours in the day to spend with family and friends. Take a look around to find new ideas that you can implement in your classroom today!

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