As soon as I start preparing and planning for my simple machines unit, I know the year is coming to a close. Well… we have about two more months. Which sounds like a lifetime. Testing always sneaks up on us, but then there is three weeks of kids going crazy and antsy in the classroom! Eeeeek.
I am already planning for next year. How crazy is that? This year really flew by. I have gotten into my mind that I MUST swap every desk I own for a table, so I am trying my best to figure out what that will look like and how the flow of the room will go. Today I used my entire lunch and specials break to re-organize and drag things around my room.
In case you too are starting simple machines, I wanted to show what I do for this unit that makes my life easier and makes science enjoyable for my kids.

Firstly, I am an interactive notebook addict. I love this simple machines interactive notebook. It was my second interactive notebook I ever made, so it makes me happy that this is where my obsession started! I think it breaks down the concepts and ideas easily to make the simple machines unit “click” for my kiddos.
The interactive notebook covers form, function, and real-life examples for each simple machine. It also has a good introduction about work, distance, and force. I think it brings everything together so kids see the big picture and why everything connections.
Here are the interactive notebooks if you’re interested 🙂
Have you ever heard of Zog the Caveman? If you are teaching simple machines, he is awesome to give the kids fun videos about each one. They are super old-school, yet my kids go cray cray over them. I use Learn360 for my kids to watch them, but I think that they are also on YouTube.
How cute are these posters??? The colors turned out so vibrant, I am in love. I am a sucker for anything cutesy, but these are also informative! I like the lever poster the most. It makes me laugh…. that little boy looks like he is having the best time ever trying to pull out a nail. Nope, I do NOT believe it. Pulling out nails is never fun. Take a peek at them here!
In addition to this unit, my kids will be doing a PBL on compound machines and making their own. I cannot wait to see what they come up with, stay tuned 🙂